
Find out about world cities and their underground systems in this fun search-and-find book. This is a playful search-and-find, inside/outside book of underground systems around the world. Alternating shortened pages introduce the subways of 12 different cities. On the first page we see the exterior of the train, and are presented with fascinating facts and figures about the transport system. On the following, shortened page, we find the inside of the train and the platform, bustling with activity. On this busy page, young readers are invited to spot key items that are unique to the city in question; a pretzel, an I • NY t-shirt and a Statue of Liberty headband on the New York Subway, for example.
Subway Systems around the world
Kim Uijung
Cicada Books
Aménagement du territoire
Livre non romanesque (enfants)
Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse DHS (Ed.)
Michèle Bonard, Mix&Remix (Ill.)
Julien Gründisch
Claire Lecœuvre, Vincent Mahé (Ill.)
Laurent Guidetti, TRIBU architecture
Gian Paolo Minelli
ETH Zurich Réseau Ville et paysage
Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo (Ed.)
Curatrice : Dr. Sibylle Wälty, Communication : Nicola Anne Morgan, Animation : Team Tumult
Office cinématographique de Lausanne